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Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea

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Ertra, Ertra, Ertra (Tigrinya Romanization)
English: Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea
ኤርትራ ኤርትራ ኤርትራ

National anthem of  Eritrea
LyricsSolomon Tsehaye Beraki, 1986, 1993
MusicIsaac Abraham Meharezghi and Aron Tekle Tesfatsion, 1985–1986
Audio sample
U.S. Navy Band instrumental version

"Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea" (Tigrinya: ኤርትራ ኤርትራ ኤርትራ, romanized: Ertra, Ertra, Ertra) is the national anthem of Eritrea. Adopted in 1993 shortly after independence, it was written by Solomon Tsehaye Beraki and composed by Isaac Abraham Meharezghi and Aron Tekle Tesfatsion.[1]



The lyrics of the anthem were written by poet Solomon Tsehaye Beraki.[2][3] Originally written in 1986, Solomon updated them in 1993 after Eritrea's independence.[4][5] The music was composed in 1985–1986 by organist Isaac Abraham Meharezghi (also spelt Isaq[4]), who was a member of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front cultural troupe.[4]



Current lyrics (1993–present)

Tigrinya lyrics[6][7] Transliteration IPA transcription[a] English translation

𝄆 ኤርትራ ኤርትራ ኤርትራ፡
በዓል ደማ እናልቀሰ ተደምሲሱ፡
መስዋእታ ብሓርነት ተደቢሱ። 𝄇

መዋእል ነኺሳ ኣብ ዕላማ፡
ትእምርቲ ጽንዓት ኰይኑ ስማ፡
ኤርትራ'ዛ ሓበን ውጹዓት፡
ኣመስኪራ ሓቂ ክምትዕወት።

ኤርትራ ኤርትራ፡
ኣብ ዓለም ጨቢጣቶ ግቡእ ክብራ።

ናጽነት ዘምጽኣ ልዑል ኒሕ፡
ንህንጻ ንልምዓት ክሰርሕ፡
ስልጣነ ከነልብሳ ግርማ፡
ሕድሪ'ለና ግምጃ ክንስልማ።

𝄆 ኤርትራ ኤርትራ፡
ኣብ ዓለም ጨቢጣቶ ግቡእ ክብራ። 𝄇

𝄆 Ertra, Ertra, Ertra,
Bä‘al däma Ənalqäsä tädämsisu,
Mäswaʼəta bəħarnät tädäbisu. 𝄇

Mäwaʼəl näxisa ab ‘əlama,
Təʼəmərti tsən‘at kwäynu səma,
Ertra-za ħabän wətsu‘at,
Amäskira ħaqi kəmtə‘əwät.

Ertra, Ertra,
Ab ‘Aläm chʼäbitʼato gəbuʼə kəbra!

Natsənät zämtsəʼa lə‘ul niħ,
Nəhnətsa nəlmə‘at kəsärəħ,
Səltʼanä känälbəsa gərma,
Ħədri-läna gəmja kənsəlma.

𝄆 Ertra, Ertra,
Ab ‘Aläm chʼäbitʼato gəbuʼə kəbra! 𝄇

𝄆 [ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra]
[bɐ.ʕal dɐ.ma nal.kʼɐ.sɐ tɐ.dɐm.si.su]
[mɐs.wa(ʔ).ta bɨ.ħar(ɨ).nɐt tɐ.dɐ.bi.su ǁ] 𝄇

[mɐ.wa.ʔɨl nɐ.xi.s‿ab ʕɨ.la.ma]
[tɨ(.ʔ)ɨ.mɨr.ti t͡sʼɨn.ʕat kʷɐj.nu sɨ.ma]
[ʔer(ɨ).tra.za ħa.bɐn wɨ.t͡sʼu.ʕat]
[ʔa.mɐs.ki.ra ħa.kʼi kɨm.tɨ.ʕɨ.wɐt ǁ]

[ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra]
[ʔab ʕa.lɐm t͡ʃʼɐ.bi.tʼa.to gɨ.bu(ʔ)ɨ kɨb.ra ǁ]

[na.t͡sʼɨ.nɐt zɐm.t͡sʼɨ.ʔa lɨ.ʕul niħ]
[nɨ.hɨn.t͡sʼa nɨl.mɨ.ʕat kɨ.sɐ.rɨħ]
[sɨl.tʼa.nɐ kɐ.nɐl.bɨ.sa gɨr.ma]
[ħɨd.ri.lɐ.na gɨm.d͡ʒa kɨn.sɨl(ɨ).ma]

𝄆 [ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra]
[ʔab ʕa.lɐm t͡ʃʼɐ.bi.tʼa.to gɨ.bu(ʔ)ɨ kɨb.ra ǁ] 𝄇

𝄆 Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea,
Her Nemesis destroyed while wailing,
her sacrifices vindicated by freedom. 𝄇

Forever firm in her principles,
her name became a synonym of tenacity,
Eritrea, the pride of the oppressed,
is a testament that truth prevails.

Eritrea, Eritrea,
has taken her rightful place in the world.

[So that] The supreme dedication that brought us freedom,
will serve to rebuild her and develop her,
We shall honor her with progress,
It is our legacy to crown her.

𝄆 Eritrea, Eritrea,
has taken her rightful place in the world. 𝄇

Arabic lyrics[8][9][better source needed] Transliteration

𝄇 إرتريا إرتريا إرتريا
قد دحرت بغيظهم أعداءها
وتوجت بالنصر تضحياتها 𝄆

مع الأعداء قد مرت من عهود[b]
غدا اسمها معجزة الصمود
فخر المكافحين في إرتريا[c]
قد برهنت أن العلا لها

إرتريا إرتريا
تبوأت مكانها بين الأمم

بإصرارنا الذي جنى التحرير
سننجز البناء والتعمير
لتزدهر وتلبس الوقار
تعاهدنا أن تسمو إرتريا

𝄇 إرتريا إرتريا
تبوات مكانها بين الأمم 𝄆

𝄆 ʾIritriyā, ʾIritriyā, ʾIritriyā,
Qad dāḥarat biḡayyẓihim ʾaʿdāʾihā,
Wa-tuwwajat bi-l-naṣri taḍaḥīyātiha. 𝄇

Maʿa-l-ʾaʿdāʾ qad mrit min ʿuhūd,
Ḡadā ismuhā muʿjizata-ṣ-umūd,
Faḵr al-mukāfiḥīn fī ʾIritriyā,
Qad barhanat ʾan al-ʿulan lahā.

ʾIritriyā, ʾIritriyā,
Taduwwaʾāt makānahā bayni-l-ʾumam.

Bi-ʾṣarārini-la-ḏī jani-l-taḥrīr
Sananjaz ul-bināʾa wa-l-taʿmīr
Li-tazdahir wa-talbasa-l-waqār
Taʿāhadnā ʾan tasmū ʾIritriyā

𝄆 ʾIritriyā, ʾIritriyā,
Taduwwaʾāt makānahā bayni-l-ʾumam. 𝄇

Original lyrics (1986–1993)

Tigrinya lyrics[5][12][better source needed][13][better source needed] Transliteration IPA transcription[a] English translation

𝄆 ኤርትራ ኤርትራ ኤርትራ
በዓል ደማ እናልቀሰ ንኽለቃ
ህይወትና ነሕልፈላ ኣለና ደቃ 𝄇

መጋየጺ ጓና ከይትኸውን
መጻኢ ዕድላ ከይመክን
ናይ ዘበናት ናይ ህዝባ ዊንታ
ጽባሕ ክረዊ ኣብ ሓርነታ

ኤርትራ ኤርትራ
ኣብ ዓለም ክዋሃባ ግቡእ ክብራ (ኩሉ ብመጻኢ እዩ ተጻሒፉ)

ኣሜን ኣይበልናን ኣይሰገድናን
በዲህና ንያት ኣየዕረብናን
ክትብልጽግ ከነልብሳ ግርማ
ሕድሪ ኣለና ግምጃ ክንስልማ

𝄆 ኤርትራ ኤርትራ
ኣብ ዓለም ክዋሃባ ግቡእ ክብራ። 𝄇

𝄆 Ertra, Ertra, Ertra,
Bə‘al däma Ǝnalqäsä nəxəläqa,
Həywätna näħəlfäla ʼaläna däqa. 𝄇

Mägayätsi gwana käytəxäwən
Mätsaʼi ʼədəla käymäkən
Nay zäbänat nay həzba winta
Tsəbaħə kəräwi ʼab ħarənäta

Ertra, Ertra,
Ab ‘Aläm kəwahaba gəbuʼə kəbra! (ku bəmätsaʼi ʼəyu tätsaħifu)

ʼAmen ʼaybälnan ʼaysägädnan
Bädihna nəyat ʼayä‘əräbnan
Kətbəltsəg känälbəsa gərma,
Ħədri-ʼaläna gəmja kənsəlma.

𝄆 Ertra, Ertra,
Ab ‘Aläm kəwahaba gəbuʼə kəbra! 𝄇

𝄆 [ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra]
[bɐ.ʕal dɐ.ma nal.kʼɐ.sɐ nɨ.xɨ.lɐ.kʼa]
[hɨj.wɐt.na nɐ.ħɨl.fɐ.la‿a.lɐ.na dɐ.kʼa] 𝄇

[mɐ.ga.jɐt͡sʼ(i) gʷa.na kɐj.tɨ.xɐ.wɨn]
[mɐ.t͡sʼa.ʔi ʔɨ.dɨ.la kɐj.mɐ.kɨn]
[naj zɐ.bɐ.nat naj hɨz.ba win.ta]
[t͡sʼɨ.ba.ħɨ k(ɨ)rɐ.wi ʔab ħ(a)rɨ.nɐ.ta]

[ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra]
[ʔab ʕa.lɐm kɨ.wa.ha.ba gɨ.bu.ʔɨ kɨb.ra] [ku bɨ.mɐ.t͡sʼa.ʔi ʔɨ.ju tɐ.t͡sʼa.ħi.fu]

[ʔa.men ʔaj.bɐl.nan ʔaj.sɐ.gɐd.nan]
[bɐ.dih.na nɨ.jat ʔa.jɐʕɨ.rɐb.nan]
[kɨt.bɨl.t͡sʼɨg kɐ.nɐl.bɨ.sa gɨr.ma]
[ħɨd.ria̯.lɐ.na gɨm.d͡ʒa kɨn.sɨl(ɨ).ma]

𝄆 [ʔer(ɨ).tra ʔer(ɨ).tra]
[ʔab ʕa.lɐm kɨ.wa.ha.ba gɨ.bu.ʔɨ kɨb.ra ǁ] 𝄇

𝄆 Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea,
A festival of her shed blood,
We devote our lives to her, her children. 𝄇

To avoid becoming a foreign exploit
The future of her destiny will not wither.
The people's will of centuries
Tomorrow tastes its liberty.

Eritrea, Eritrea,
In the world, her due glory will be given to her (all written in the future)

Amen, we did not bow down
Thus we did not bring her to an end.
For her majestic splendour to prosper,
We are now entrusted to decorate the treasure.

𝄆 Eritrea, Eritrea,
In the world, her due glory will be given to her. 𝄇


  1. ^ a b See Help:IPA/Tigrinya and Tigrinya § Phonology.
  2. ^ على الأهداف عضت من عهود is also sung.[10][better source needed]
  3. ^ في is sometimes omitted.[11][better source needed]


  1. ^ Central Intelligence Agency (2013-01-04). The World Factbook 2012-13. U.S. Executive Office of the President. ISBN 978-0-16-091142-2.
  2. ^ Godrej, Dinyar (2009). Fire in the Soul: 100 Poems for Human Rights. New Internationalist. p. 157. ISBN 978-1-906523-16-9.
  3. ^ WLA: War, Literature & the Arts. Department of English, United States Air Force Academy. 2006. p. 170.
  4. ^ a b c Connell, Dan (2019-07-15). Historical Dictionary of Eritrea. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 67. ISBN 978-1-5381-2066-8.
  5. ^ a b "ሰሎሞን ጸሃየ "እቲ ቃልሲ ብስነ ጥበብ ቅድሚ ምጅማር ብረታዊ ቃልሲ'ዩ ነይሩ"". BBC News ትግርኛ (in Tigrinya). Retrieved 2022-01-17.
  6. ^ Negus, Maḥāri (1990s). Kāb guʻezotāt tārix ʼÉretrā (in Amharic). pp. 340–341.
  7. ^ G, Mussie Tesfagiorgis (2010). Eritrea. ABC-CLIO. p. 88. ISBN 978-1-59884-231-9.
  8. ^ القروي, باسم (27 June 2017). "ملخص تعريفي عن دولة ارتريا". وكالة زاجل الإرترية للأنباء (in Arabic). Retrieved 2022-01-17.
  9. ^ قناة مفاهيم (2014-08-14). "النشيد الوطني لدولة إرتريا باللغة العربية Eritrean National Anthem - Arabic". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2022-01-17. Retrieved 2022-01-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  10. ^ "Eritrean National Anthem - Arabic". YouTube. 25 June 2011.
  11. ^ "Eritrean National Anthem - Arabic". YouTube. 25 June 2011.
  12. ^ Zema Entertainment (2020-01-29). "Eritrean Revolutionary Music | ጉጅለ ባህሊ ዋርሳ 1988 | ሃገራዊ መዝሙር - ኤርትራ". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2022-01-17. Retrieved 2022-01-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  13. ^ Sammy Tewelde (2007-04-08). "Eritrean 1993 Referendum - National Anthem (Adult's Version)". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2022-01-17. Retrieved 2022-01-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)